
Square Off Electronic Chess Set

I am keen to purchase a square off electronic chess set, however (if I am correct) it is not compatible with Lichess, are there any plans to make Lichess compatible ?
This question should be addressed to Square Off. Lichess provides an API that anyone can use, the rest is up to those who use it.
I have a friend that has one of their Electronic boards, and I can confirm to you that it's compatible with lichess, the connection is made via either a 3rd party app or the square-off app (can't remember which one)
Sorry, I am still a bit confused - I noticed that in settings there is "Lichess & DGT
This page allows you to connect your DGT board to Lichess, and to use it for playing games."
So I assumed that a DGT board is somehow associated with Lichess and that Squareoff is not ?
would it be perhaps better to not say a brand name (DGT) and say electonic chess board?
thankyou for your feedback
@goldenfox1961 said in #7:
> Sorry, I am still a bit confused - I noticed that in settings there is "Lichess & DGT
> This page allows you to connect your DGT board to Lichess, and to use it for playing games."
> So I assumed that a DGT board is somehow associated with Lichess and that Squareoff is not ?
> would it be perhaps better to not say a brand name (DGT) and say electonic chess board?
> thankyou for your feedback

Lichess is definiteley not associated with any brand. It just allows these brands products to communicate with lichess so you can use a DGT-Board or a square-off Board with the services lichess provides.
I had a DGT Pegasus but sadly it didn’t work as I hoped it would. The board connected via an app so id expect the SO to work the same way. It’s a great idea if it works!

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