
How to overcome the fear of approaching women?

Hahaha, Some of your suggestions are proper yo. thanks guys! My friend is definitely getting a girl after this!!
@Nzere said in #1:
> My friend has it and is not getting girls. How can I help him?

Tell him to become homosexual. Or is he shy with men too?

Akbar2thegreat said (#16):
> Seems like you have never tried it yourself.

Akbar2thegreat said (#18):
> If someone doesn't ask, then I answer

@GeorgeZhuang: you see, i (under another account) once had an ongoing "argument" with this little turd and the final outcome was he apologized profusely and then pestered me with his unwanted adoration as much as he annoyed me with his believed-to-be-funny remarks before. It was one outcome of that altercation that he confessed to be 12 years old. That was one or 2 years ago and he might be 14 or 15 now, which in turn means he hasn't seen a woman other than from afar (with the possible exception of his mother, but i suppose she is too ashamed to get anywhere near him).

So, take whatever the great "expert on all things unknown to him" says with the recommended grain of salt. He has as much idea about anything as he has manners or upbringing - zilch, niente, nada! If you are really interested i can search the postings from back then.
Say things that deeply align with yourself and your experience, that you truly resonate with and believe to be true, good, and useful. We, as men, tend to like the idea of having a partner so much that we are willing to present a fake version of ourselves designed specifically to be liked back, when in reality that gets instantly spotted as what it truly is: malicious manipulation (because if it was well-meaning the person would just BE or try to become what he thinks the other person needs, regardless of the sexual payoff that this would imply).
People, whether female or male, have a deep need to be taken care of; this cannot be done by someone who has ulterior motives, simply because that is not caring, but exploitation.
If what you want is to have sex or receive affection, own your desire and present it spontaneously in the form that you think will do the best to the person that desire is directed to.
If you think you are not adequate to provide that happiness to the people you want to connect with, develop the qualities that YOU think would be needed to provide that kind of good. This will require a lot of direct trial and error, but you will make progress down the road and you will eventually become a person that can.
If you start behaving like this, you will realize that your love is not just good for everybody, because you will only be able to provide for the people that need what you really want to give (selflessly).
Meanwhile, there will be no fear of talking to anyone anymore, because you will now know that you're doing good to the people you're longing for; and no response from them will ever change the intention from which your deed stemmed from.
@Nzere said in #0:
> How to overcome the fear of approaching women?

1. It's easy, just make your inner alpha/sigma male speak for you.
2. You just can read some Greek Mythology and remember that you are talking to a woman and not fighting monsters.
3. Talk to yourself and say: What is there to be afraid of when talking to women?

I hope you think my advice is useful.

Edit: @polylogarithmique, if you dislike my post, then you try to give some advice, well, that's if you can.
@ThePracticeGuy said in #38:
> 2. You just can read some Greek Mythology and remember that you are talking to a woman and not fighting monsters.

Dude it's the same thing.

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