
Are we sure we have the right people in the board of director of FIDE to combat cheating in chess?

I have recently played in Malta in the lowest section of the 2022 FIDE World Amateur Championship.
There have been a few cases of banditism (i.e. strong players hiding their real high rating to win the lower sections cash prizes) targeting the €1,000 first prize in each section. Unfortunately this is quite common when the cash prizes are interesting.

What is outrageous is that this time the possible bandite was one of the FIDE Directors, member of the FIDE board of directors. The suspicion is particularly bad for the FIDE reputation as this director is responsible for the FIDE legal department.
This gentleman is Mr Aleksandr Martynov (FIDE id 34196266) and his entry rating in this competition was zero.
He arrived second, behind another zero rated!
The section was U1700
His ratings are std 1660, rapid 1962, blitz 1916 so it should be fine no?
well why is he so much stronger in rapid? It's not far-fetched to suspect sandbagging
Was his first nine games in that timecontrol it seems.
By the way, what's the panel for the Hans vs Magnus case even doing?
Information about this tournament on the FIDE website:

"Two players tied for first place in U1700, with Soninbayar Tuguldur of Mongolia (pictured below) claiming gold thanks to better Buchholz over Aleksandr Martynov (FIDE), who had to settle for silver. The 13-year-old winner was number 50 on the starting list."

Alexander Martynov profile:

I look at the Rating Progress Chart and find that Alexander Martynov never participated in standard chess tournaments. Therefore, his rating before the start of the tournament in Malta was 0.
@Cedur216 said in #6:
> By the way, what's the panel for the Hans vs Magnus case even doing?

What FIDE does best: fine wines and dinners in luxurious locations.
Having no rating at all at the start of a tournament is different from hiding a real high rating. I cannot regard this as banditism.
IMO, it would have been the task of the organizers to set additional conditions like a minimum number of rated games for their lower sections.
Do you really believe that at that age, in that position at FIDE, coming from Russia and being more than 1900 in rapid and blitz he never played a standard rated game before within a national federation?

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