
Fat Fritz 2 is a rip-off

"powered by a modified version of Stockfish"

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ The "modification" being that they changed the author field to take out the names of the stockfish devs and add their own names πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
For all you need to know guys @dkappe is a good friend of Albert Scammer, so when his friend got heavily exposed, he tried to throw a curveballs.
Like claiming some antisemitic stuff, people being racist, etc, etc, he will do anything to protect his buddy scammer from being exposed.
All this "anti-semitic" thing is about someone making a meme video with some frames from film "Bunker" which is a well-known meme template, now this guy tries to use this as a weapon against stockfish team not even replying to any of the claims, simple stuff that is a thing for centuries - "if you have nothing to say, try to make your opposition look bad" - this is what @dkappe is trying to do.
No one is obviously going to reply him since it's like talking to a wall, also last time he tried to claim smth like this he got heavily hit by facts. this is what this guy has to say.
His "racism" card failed so now this fraud wants to pull out "antisemite" card from nowhere again having nothing to say in the actual topic about his scammer friend getting exposed.
This is the type of people I despise as equally as this albert silver.
Its interesting that Chessbase has a history now of selling engines that have credible allegations against them.

Rybka - though the story on that engine is a bit weird - part of its original build was apparently heavily lifted from Fruit but the final version who knows.
Houdini - accused of being a Stockfish clone
and now Fat Fritz and Fat Fritz 2.

One issue is that Chessbase doesn't develop these engines, Chessbase acts as a publisher really.

The response I got last night from Chessbase:

Fat Fritz 2.0 is not a Stockfish clone. Please have a look at the following articles on our news page where Albert Silver explains the genesis of Fat Fritz 2.0:
as well as this interview:

Which I replied quoting the Chessbase site:

* Fat Fritz 2 is an original neural network that is powered by a
modified version of Stockfish. Stockfish is an open-source project
licensed through the GPL v3 with all due rights. The source code of
Stockfish and the modifications for Fat Fritz 2 can be found on

I think the only way Chessbase will understand this is if they are punished in the pocket book. Take your money elsewhere. If you are EU file a complaint against them.
In the meantime, Stockfish 13 has been released!
Check out the latest blog post by the team where they address the improvements in this version and the issue with FF2.

To the attention of all chess players, SF 13 is free and open source, so download and try the latest version if interested!

Absolutely no need to lighten your wallets, use any suitable GUI to run the latest Stockfish, for free.

ChessBase products are still unnecessary EVEN IF someone is a coach or top rated player. SCID vs PC or ChessX does everything CB products do without the hefty price tag. Let's not forget that Lichess also provides similar tools.
From the blog post on SF:

Going forward, the Leela Chess Zero and Stockfish teams will join forces to demonstrate our commitment to open source chess engines and training tools, and open data. We are convinced that our free and open-source chess engines serve the chess community very well.


That is interesting! StockLeelaFish Zero coming up!
@Sgr-A I agree with what you are saying 100% . I was just somewhat justifying the reasoning behing buying it, but its practically useless you have money to kill (in which case that is not even a good reason to buy it).

But maybe the top 50 gms in the world should use it because it has the top games on each other to analyze and more versatility, but the average (and even above average) player wouldn't need it. It isn't necessary to play chess, but maybe its better for them to do so.

@vishytheplayer Thanks for the postivity!
CB is a very valuable tool, I would have won only half of my cups without. Most of the eager players are using it organizing their chess stuff. Itβ€˜s worth every cent.

But: engines are not their fortunate area recently. Probably they should retract from this unfortunate business.

So move on, get your SF 13!

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