
Difference between a blunder and a mistake?,

A blunder is a move that changes the game from Winning/Even to a losing position.
A mistake is a move that changes the game from Winning/Even to a worse but not losing position.
In computer chess analysis, more or less, a mistake if losing a pawn and a blunder is losing a piece. You might as well ignore this difference in practical chess.
Also a blunder changes a totally winning position to a lost position or an equal position.
mistake=OK lost the center
OR I got mated
Right, in a drawn position you can only make mistake that converts it to a losing position.
If you convert a winning position back to a drawn position, then that is a mistake.
If you convert an even position to a worse but not losing position, then you convert a drawn position to a drawn position and that is not a mistake by any means.
#19 If you lose the center and you can still hold the draw then it is no mistake. If you lose a bishop in a lost position then it is neither a mistake nor a blunder.

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