
Getting beat on theory

As a 2200 in classical (definitely not OTB lol) I can proudly say I know jack squat ab theory, I know some lines from playing so much but theory studying has never been a big part of my playing, and I play the Sicilian XD. Even now I don’t know move orders by heart and if anything I have to find some ideas while I’m playing. It’s also why my blitz is much lower, I just don’t have the brain to find ideas fast enough and I miss tactics. Everyone is different, I know I’m slow as heck and need time to process the position to know my next move. It’s something I have to improve and many others find themselves in the same boat
Really, don’t sweat theory, as the comments above mentioned just focus on basics, principles, and you should be alright coming out of the opening :)
2200 can beat 1800 in every aspect of chess. Dont blame that on "your weak theory knowlage". If you think im wrong, play 1 setup opening for white and one for black, setups are always same whatever your oponnent plays and then beat those 2200 theorysts...
Capablanca said chess was dying way back in the early 20th century and look what happened...
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