
Both Keyboard Extensions are fixed, thanks to @lordware

its the evolution of the game. When I first started playing online chess in 1995 we didn't have the mouse or graphical interface. All the pieces were represented with letters and after every move which had to be typed, the board would scroll down. This was using dial up modem and using telnet to the chess server. I'm 40 years old. Even using the mouse was a big enhancement, when graphical user interfaces came out, and I was still typing moves while others were using the mouse. Eventually I got with the program. And then they added pre-move. Ultrabullet represents the fastest chess out there, so why limit it. There's plenty of other chess variants where keyboard doesn't affect the outcome in most games, such as blitz or rapid, and it probably doesn't require it in the vast majority of bullet games.
So, what you are trying to tell is that kb is useless

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