
Search "user:gbissinger"

22 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - lichess mobile how much gb needed#4

Danke! MB ist richtig oder? Keine GB? Kann ich mir auch nicht vorstellen, wenn man nicht gerade streamt......

General Chess Discussion - lichess mobile how much gb needed#1

Hi, we have a little kid whom we want to give the possibility to play LICHESS mobile (they do not have WLAN at home). Anybody an idea how much GB LICHESS needs, when playing 1 hour? Thanks Gerhard

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General Chess Discussion - How to delete members of a team or list them for transfer in EXCEL?#4

ja, alles o.K. schade, dass man die Mitglieder nicht runter laden kann..... und danke!!

General Chess Discussion - How to delete members of a team or list them for transfer in EXCEL?#1

How to delete members of a team or list them for transfer in EXCEL? Anybody an idea?
