
Search "user:An-Onym"

31 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Castling rules in 960?#2

Lichess Feedback - forbidden castle#4

See FIDE rules: (3.8.b.2) Castling is prevented temporarily: - if the square on which the king stands, or the square which it must cross, or the square which it is to occupy, is attacked by one or mor…

Lichess Feedback - What is this bug?#3

this has nothing to do with lichess, it's an fide rule: "(6.9) Except where one of Articles 5.1.a, 5.1.b, 5.2.a, 5.2.b, 5.2.c applies, if a player does not complete the prescribed number of moves in t…

Off-Topic Discussion - Queeniest game that I ever seeen :P#4

I once had a game I didn't resign (I was a queen down). My opponent stalemated me with three queens:

Lichess Feedback - Problem 48360#2

If you think, a problem has been solved false by the engine, please write a bit more than "wrong sollution". It would be good for others to know, what would be a better move instead of Rxf6 in your op…

General Chess Discussion - CORRESPONDENCE Tournament#2

Cheating is very easy in correspondence, so there are no tournaments and no rankings (, no aim to cheat for.

Lichess Feedback - Playing against cheaters in correspondence#4


Lichess Feedback - Playing against cheaters in correspondence#1

I play a lot of (rated) correspondence games and sometimes one of my opponents was marked as a cheater while the game is still in progress. Why do cheaters have the possibility to finish these rated g…

General Chess Discussion - I was just ousted from the Daily Tournament#2

You used an engine and were removed from the tournament because of that.

General Chess Discussion - Strange Fide rule. Did you know??#2

Yes, I know this rule. The good thing is, you can't win a almost won game this way, because switching the time control is an draw offer to the opponent.
