IM BrandonClarke Lichess coach picture

IM Brandon Clarke

English, Australian & New Zealand Champion

Location England
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 2500
Hourly rate£40
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I'm an International Master (IM) from England.

I started playing chess at the age of 8. Since then I have been fortunate enough to represent my country in both the European & World Chess Championships as well as competing in tournaments all around the world.


Playing experience

New Zealand Open Champion
George Trundle Masters Champion
Australian Blitz Champion
Gold Coast Open Champion
NSW Blitz Champion
NSW Rapid Champion​
UK Chess Challenge Champion
British U15 Champion
Board 4 Pro League MVP - Australian Kangaroos

Teaching experience

1 year Academic Chess (California, USA)
2 years Sydney Academy of Chess (Sydney, Australia)
10 years of Private Coaching

As well as current head coach for the English Chess Federation (ECF) Academy and UK Chess Challenge (UKCC)

Best skills

Opening Repertoires
Middlegame Themes
Theoretical Endgames
Endgame Technique

Teaching methodology

All of my lessons are interactive based, meaning that students can receive the material afterwards and practice on their own in order to maximise results.

What you get:
Interactive study of the lesson material
Interactive homework
Spreadsheet to keep track of everything (regular students)
Free access to any online tournaments I host
Free access to any online simuls I host
Ask me questions anytime

Public studies

🔥Refute: Stafford Gambit! 🔥

143 • Biranidun •
  1. Stafford Gambit: 6...h5 - Main Line
  2. Stafford Gambit: 6...Ng4
  1. Biranidun
  2. IM BrandonClarke

🔥 Refute: Englund Gambit 🔥

97 • Biranidun •
  1. The Move Order
  2. The Trap
  3. The Refutation
  1. Biranidun
  2. IM BrandonClarke

YouTube videos