NM Horobetz Lichess coach picture

NM Graham Horobetz

Helping you reach and surpass your chess goals!

LocationMemphis, Tennessee United States
LanguagesEnglish (US)
Hourly rate$50/per session (Bulk pay discounts available)
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello, I am Graham Horobetz of Memphis, Tennessee. I am 30 years old and first learned to play the game at the age of 6 and have been hooked ever since. Through the game of chess, I've met many wonderful people that have allowed my passion for the game to remain strong, I look forward to sharing this passion with students in hopes that their chess goals are achieved and their own passion for the game remains.

Playing experience

I've been playing chess since I was 6 years old, but have been consistently playing year round since I was in my early teen years without any significant breaks.

Here are some of my chess accomplishments:

- Tennessee High School Champion (2011)
- Representative for Tennessee at the GM Denker Tournament of High School Champions (2011)
- National Master (2012)
- Original Life Master (2019)
- Won the Arkansas State Championship (2019)
- Won the 60th Annual Mid-South Open (2019)
- 7-time Memphis City Champion
- 2022 Tennessee State Co-Champion
- 2023 Winner of the Kentucky Masters Invitational
- USCF Senior Master (2400+ USCF)

My USCF Profile: Profile:

Teaching experience

I have been teaching online or in-person in some capacity since I was in high school. Whether it be through being a camp counselor at chess camps or teaching in after-school chess programs, I have taught a wide variety of students of all backgrounds and skill levels.

I recognize the importance of having a chess teacher that is invested in your development. While my self-improvement in chess took me to about the 2100 rating, I then plateaued and only after having taken lessons with GM John Federowicz did I finally make the leap to 2200.

I hope to be a teacher that can help you, whether it is overcoming a rating plateau or simply learning how the pieces move.

Best skills

I like to help students improve in all aspects of the game, but am best when it comes to calculation, attacking chess, and creating an opening repertoire that allows students to showcase their strengths.

Teaching methodology

My teaching methodology is very student-oriented. I don't have a universal regiment that I apply regardless of the student. I recognize that each student is an individual that has their own strengths and weaknesses and their own preferred method of learning. I am willing to accommodate that in order to maximize what a student gets out of our lessons.

I also pride myself on my availability to students. Online teaching is very convenient and if students have a question or would like to show me a game they played, they can message me whenever and I will get back as quickly as I possibly can. I know that chess improvement is something that goes beyond a traditional hour long lesson!

I will look over your games, note your strengths and weaknesses and develop ways in which to address each. Also open to creating a repertoire for you in order to maximize your strengths as a chess player.