
is my computer or lichess is very slow in this days

I have a lag of into 100 to 170 but my pieces move it very slow, is for the compute, the internet, or lichess . (so is impossible to win in bullet)
#2 impossible, I formatted my computer yesterday
open task manager and verify the applications active and ram available
do u use wifi or lan cable ? if wlan, i highly recommend to turn off "dynamic roaming" cuz this option slows down ur wifi on your computer ! laptop ! what ever !
You only lost one game.
Then you write there is a problem with your pieces moving slowly?
This game was played just before your comment and you resigned

You played the same amount of moves I play in a bullet and you even got time to play premoves. Then the following game you won. When you pressed this link:
You probably got your lag numbers, but you should have also stated the server number.
Mine are often: Server 5 & my ping 92. That's good numbers for me. The numbers are not the server peaks or ping peaks.
#5: I using wifi
#:6 I lost a lot of game too yesterday.
mayby my internet sometime failed , now look que is well
remove all programs and files and leave him alone with what it had when you bought it
#9 Actually when you bought it, it might have had a system installed. Formatting the hard drive removes everything. It's likely not the solution.

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