

Yeah, it would be very nice if it were a CHESS tournament. SCNR
I would love to watch a bit slower pace. Pieses are being moved in rapid speed before my eyes and I never get a clue of what is going on. You need to be a master yourself to understand some moves, I guess.
Magnus Carlsen won and Andrew Tang had a meltdown. This time they basically traded places compared to titled arena 5. The arena should stay 1+0 because it's Magnus Carlsen's favorite time control. It's the perfect time control. It's long enough for GMs finding good moves and quick enough for preventing cheating. With so much money at stake, the temptation to cheat is huge. It's impossible to make time control longer than 1+0. There are way too many cases of cheating in titled Tuesday tournaments because they use 3+2 time control.
I would suggest to make the tournament longer. Instead of 2 hours, make it 24 hours. For this much money, the masters should play much longer.
There are plenty of longer time control tourns in the net and only one really tough 1 0 where even the WCh plays. Why would would you want to take that away?.

Also 1 0 gives weaker players chance to win also, like they have. If time control was like 3 2, who would you think would win it every time he wants?.

And of course its pretty hard to cheat in 1 0. On other sites and even here cheating in longer time controls is a fact, this tourn is propably the most clean tourn ever.

And of course the usual, if you dont like /get /cant follow /play bullet you can always choose to not watch it..

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