
"En passant" with knight


On this game, move 10, I'd thought that my knight would have taken the pawn "en passant".

I cannot understand why not, does somebody have that tricky point on chess rules I do not have ?


You mean move 6 Ii think. Only pawns can take en passant, so that's why it didn't work.
"En passant" = By the way.

Btw, Good move but why should forgot the knight? and to attack the knight?/ En passant, Bon coup mais pourquoi avoir oublié le cavalier et attaqué le cavalier noir?
@charles_db Yeah that's one of those things that doesn't really make a lot of sense. I think the purpose is to prevent the losing player from locking a position with a full pawn wall by playing moves like c5 d5 etc, where no capture is possible.
If we were to follow the en passant(in passing) idea all the way through, imagine moving your queen along a path where the intermediate square was defended by a bishop. She could be taken in passing by the bishop moving to that square.
Basically, its a rule designed to stop completely locked positions without sacrificing the art of chess.
Only pawns can take En Passant. Also, that move would have traded a pawn for a knight if that was possible, which isn't a good trade (knight is under fire by bishop, queen, and pawn)

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