
Issue with making moves in blind mode


This afternoon I played in a tournament for the first time. Since I am blind, I use blind mode and type my moves in the textbox. For some reason, though, Lichess did not accept some moves although they were legal. This happened three times: in the second game I tried to play 31...Kd5 but it didn't accept it, so in the end I decided to play 31...Kf6 also maintaining a winning advantage. In the fourth game I tried to play 14...Nd7 which was not accepted at first, but later on I could make the move anyway. Finally, in the last game, I tried to make several different moves (31...Qxb1, 31...Nc3, 31...Be7 and 31...Nf4) in the final position but the system accepted none of them, so I ended up losing on time (luckily it was a lost position anyway). Does anyone know the reason for this and have a solution?
Good evening, thanks for your feedback!

I'll try to answer point by point to your post.

About your first game:
I could play Kd5 in blind mode on a test server:

I assume you meant your game number 5 instead of 4 because you didn't have the black pieces in the latter:

I played 14...Nd7 without problems here: But you could have had a connection issue at that time which explain why the move was not recorded at first.

About the last game where you were flagged:

On move 31 with black to play, there is no piece in b1 that's why Qxb1 was not accepted. I could play Be7:

If you have any additional information on how to reproduce the issue, that would be helpful!
What browser do you use? I tested on latest Chrome.

More generally if you have any thoughts on how to improve blind mode, feel free to share them!

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