
13 Gift Ideas for Chess Players

@Catwa1k said in #4:
> Now, how do I make my girlfriend see this accidentally?
Being 50 has its advantages; your relatives do not feel the urge to surprise you and rather appreciate to be given hints. :-)

@AragornFitrion said in #5:
> Also good quality clock may become an antique in the future, that will only add extra value.
Doesn't even have to be actually antique: recently I learned that one can still buy (new) Garde clock I remember from 80's and it's in fact more expensive than top DGT models.

> I would also like to receive tournament chess board/set. It's cheaper than wooden chess set and easier to take on holiday trips. Practicality over all!
As boards can be bought separately, I prefer to have both. Wooden for home use, rollable for travel. It's also useful to have both a normal size (size 6) set and a smaller one (e.g. size 4) to use when space is scarce.
My tip as a chess player to every non-chess player: Don't give a chess player anything about chess. 99.9% of the time it's a mistake
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