
New puzzle mode suggestion: sorting puzzles by openings

Different openings tend to bring different middle game positions. Most, if not all, puzzles of lichess have been taken from real games, so it would be nice if we could select puzzles by the opening which was placed on that specific game. For instance, if I wanted to pratice tactics on the najdorf sicilian, I could just search "najdorf" and do a selection of puzzles from najdorf games.
I second this idea. For a while I avoided playing puzzles that weren’t generated from my games for this exact reason. When Lichess introduced puzzle themes, I was able to focus on endgame puzzles thereby practicing puzzles which I could encounter while devoting no time on opening puzzles and less (if not zero) time on middle game puzzles which I never encounter due to my playing repertoire.

It's much more productive for a learning player to choose and play one or a few specific openings and then study puzzles from that one or few openings. This is easier to understand for puzzles where you play White but the same holds true for puzzles where you play Black if you are consistent with your defense repertoire.

An analogy would be: Should you study all openings at once or should you focus on studying and/or mastering one opening before moving onto another? Should you study all possible middle game puzzles at once or should you focus on studying and/or mastering middle game puzzles that can arise from one opening before moving onto another? Is it productive for a student to study all possible openings at once without ever mastering one opening first?

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