
I missed Sunday mass what should I do

Today I couldn't wake up for the mass (here it's in the morning). When I woke up it was already too late. Do I need a confession now? What should I do?
Don't worry; any given religion has a 1/infinity chance of actually existing (whether largely believed, occasionally believed, created for satire, or never was thought of), or 0.
Or, as a handy tip, although I wholeheartedly agree with Dreki, you could have a nice little mass of your own at home! You can even design your own deities!
British lame atheism strikes again. If I'd wanted to hear such opinions I would just have opened a video of Fry or Dawkins. I'm expecting serious answers
You are doomed. I just didn't want to say it. Miss half the mass, ok, but the WHOLE mass?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? No. Sorry. Doomed.
Listen everybody. @katakamata asked a serious question, asking for a serious answer. I know how you all feel- I think religion is stupid, pointless, and does more harm than good in the world as well- but there's no need to belittle and insult this guy for his beliefs. And @katakamata, please don't respond to them in kind. It makes everybody look childish.
Be gone, thee smelly adult! Boo I say unto thee, o illspeaking abominism of a yet to be determined determination! May the goat of yesteryear chew on your socks and leave nothing but woolly rubble and despair!
I'm sorry, katakamata, but i can only tell you what you don't have to do : ask on a chess forum. :)

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