
TCWC Scheduling

Remaining matches:

Winners Bracket:
MiroMiljkovic vs Ukranian_Bishops
Aryan_Rahimpour_2004 vs jilu15
Variants_Champion vs CyberShredder (Scheduled for 17:00 UTC 9/28)

Losers Bracket:
CHlivelylemon vs cnilemc

Deadline is by the end of October 1st, Reminder on Wednesday

(Sorry Aryan, jilu, accidentally @'d you both in this post.. xD)
CHlivelylemon can't do this week and has kindly decided to forfeit himself from the tournament
MiroMilijkovic vs Ukranian_Bishops went 5-5 which Miro went on to win 2-0 in tiebreaks (7-5)

Remaining matches:

Variants_Champion vs CyberShredder on Saturday (a time is not official?)
Aryan_Rahimpour_2004 vs jilu15 on Saturday, their score is 2-2 but the match had to be postponed, they'll play the remaining 6 matches tomorrow as well
Aryan_Rahimpour_2004 vs jilu15 I'm allowing them to play their match tomorrow at 5:30 AM UTC, (which is technically after the deadline but it's not too far off)
Aryan_Rahimpour_2004 vs jilu was supposed to be an hour 30 minutes ago, but jilu was offline/still offline and Aryan messaged me about it, jilu is forfeited from his match and Aryan advances

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