
N+B mate at highest level.

@arex maybe this can be another demonstrativ game (now for successful play) in your lichess interactive lesson study.
I never have been in this situation to have to mate with a Knight and Bishop. I had never studied it. I did know that you have to go to the opposite colored square so the Bishop can't get you. I tried to test a 2000 USCF rated player once. I had a Knight and Pawn, he had a Knight Bishop and Pawn. I was trying to sac my Knight for his Pawn but he guarded it like it was the President. He told me later he probably would have had some trouble if it happened. I finally learned how to do it just in case.
#4 Its all about enhancing your strategic/tactical thinking. Something like solving endgame studies. Even Carlsen is practicing that regularly.
Worth studying, and fun to practice on opponents who refuse to resign!
fairly easy and worth the study to learn how coordinate the pieces

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