
. pgn for a blind persons braille

how can i download a .pgn without time information?

if i use the download option, i get this
[%clk 0:05:00] } Nf6 { [%clk 0:05:00] } 2. c4 { [%clk 0:04:59] }

i need a clear file for a blind persons braille. thx
Try choosing "Download raw" instead of "Download annotated". Is that okay, or do you need the annotations?
You mean with copy paste STRG+C/V?

Rc8 25. Rb1 Rc7 26. Rb5 Rfc8 27. Rfb1 Ne8 28. Rb7 f5 29. Nxc5+ Bxc5 30. Bxc5 Nd6 31. R1b4 Nxb7 32. Bxa7 Nc5 33. Bb6 Nd3 34.

I cant download raw. Maybe it is another XP thing. Lichess has so many bugs lately for my old Firefox 30.0...

Uh, breaks of the game. (That is: Serving disabled people.)

No offense, but, I did some work serving blind and deaf people when I was in college a number of years ago. Pre-processing information (usually per request) was part of serving those with different needs.

Pre-Processing Information: "What do you need?" -- I need just the moves, no times or analysis.

Okay, go edit the file. Write a parser to remove such things. And, because the format behind PGN is standardized, and because there are so many PGN parsers out there, let alone writing one yourself ...

... it is trivial to pre-process PGN files using any number of utilities. (Go do a Google search for "PGN parser," take your pick, test a few, see which works for your needs.)

Handling this yourself is part of serving the needs of the disabled. Handling this yourself would be trivial, even if it was just for yourself. You could use the API to do the same (just a different way) ...

To all, Thanks a lot!

Well, I would like to save a .raw. I think that is what a dynamic braille reader person wants.
Unfortunately on my XP system the last running mozilla doesnt give me the option. I cannt see the complete h-file in analyses mode etc. Just gets a bit buggy. Lichess worked one time perfectly, now not adjusted to old systems. so no problem.


i also dislike this in PGNs. PGN was designed so that it can both be read by humans and parsed by software, but well.

A pgn can be cleaned up after downloading it. I use to do this manually on a per game base in Scid by rightclicking the notation and removing all comments. Then i can save this game or copy it to the clipboard.

A batch cleanup of many games can be performed using the tool PGN Utils:

An even more powerful approach is writing a python script with the help of the module python-chess, see

Consider installing Chrome or another, more recent Firefox. I have three Firefoxes and a Chrome on my system, for different purposes.
If you can get the ID of the games you want PGN files for, you can create a URL that will get the raw file for you. Like the second link in my post #7.

To create the URL, you can use the following template:{id}.pgn?as=raw

So for example, in the game "", "FVS46rul" is the ID. Sticking the ID into the above template (by replacing "{id}"), you get the following URL:
Clicking on that or copy-pasting it into your address bar will start the download.

It's a bit of a tedious process, but hey, it's something.

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