
I lost to internet delay

I'm not a software engineer but I think it's possible to detect internet delay and give back the time like send time and time right now when the move was played.
@loepare said in #4:
> @xDoubledragon
> Lichess has a lag compensation, read more here.
Yes we know how lag is created but hear me out but whar if you sended a move and time of the move when compare to lichess time it is corrected and now everything is fine
@loepare said in #4:
> @xDoubledragon
> Lichess has a lag compensation, read more here.
I wish this made games completely equal. I run into many games where my opponent's clock seems to have half of their time left even if I moved faster than they do (according to my screen).

It would be nice if the "lag" / "delay" was made to be equal on both sides. Very frustrating to have to speed against either a lagger or my own connection if that's the problem.
@xDoubledragon said in #6:
> Yes we know how lag is created but hear me out but whar if you sended a move and time of the move when compare to lichess time it is corrected and now everything is fine

The reason it can't work this way is because it would be unfair to the non-lagging player.

Imagine this scenario: you make a move and send it to lichess's servers. Due to lag on your end, it takes 10 seconds for the message to reach lichess, but it comes with a timestamp that says "I was sent at this time", so lichess knows when the move was made. Lichess registers the move, timestamps it to 10 seconds ago, and sends the move off to your opponent. In those 10 seconds, nobody loses time.

Here's why this scenario is bad:

1. The displayed board state gives the laggy player an advantage.

During those 10 seconds, the laggy player sees the updated board, but the unlaggy player sees the board before the last move was played. It's basically a free 10 seconds of extra calculation. Everyone knows how important 10 extra seconds per move in blitz can be!

2. It stretches games out.

A 3+2 game should last about 5 minutes. With 10 second of delay each turn, you aren't playing 3+2 anymore. (In most games there aren't 10 seconds of lag per move, but even with something like 300 ms of lag per turn games become noticeably longer.) In the worst case, you could imagine someone intentionally creating lag to stretch out games as a form of time stalling.

I know that nobody is trying to use lag to their advantage, but if there's no punishment for having high lag, then it's not fair to the opponent. That's what lichess's lag compensation system is for. It doesn't try to punish laggers or to create an unfair situation for non-laggers, but rather to spread out the disadvantage to both players equally. That's what lichess means when they say "the result should feel reasonable for both players".

Unfortunately that means that sometimes a player will lag out and lose on time, even though they moved the piece on their end on time. Trust me, as a bullet player with shared wifi, I've been in that situation many times :)

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