

Are you referring to ChessWhiz or me?

I don't see how I have lacked manners here.

I said are you kidding because ChessWhiz is clearly better than average. Several trophies, several ratings far above name him as an example of an average or sub-par streamer baffles me.

Sure, you're better at chess than ChessWhiz, but I don't see any justification for calling him mediocre or average.
I agree with Dionysus_god that ChessWhiz IS a good player. In addition, he is entertaining with his streaming.

While some players are undoubtedly better players, few can boast the natural charisma of ChessWhiz.

Kingscrusher is a great example. Great player (except in recent streams - but we all have our crappy moments!) whose broadcasts really need someone else doing the talking, if only to eradicate the horrified laughs when someone unpicks him.

Then there's Chessbrahs, the Canadian kid. Amazing player with a dreadful taste in music while streaming. Play some Bach, Carulli or Beethoven for God's sake!

Just goes to show, you can't have everything eh :D
ALSO, who is LeMusique having a go at, and why? I can see no sign of lack of manners save from the one calling others names... :D
Or you can show tits like some female "gamer streams". That usually gets views *coughkaceytroncough*
Actually I enjoy Kingscrusher's commentary. Maybe it's his accent, though. I'm such an American :\

I enjoyed his stream at one time, yet he appalled me with his behaviour in a game he challenged me to on the stream. I played him, he moaned and complained for me to add him time, so I did. Then he let me get in severe time trouble and berated my play, and when it didn't matter and he was completely crushing me, he finally added me time. I made terrible blunder after blunder with few seconds on his clock, but once the game was clearly over, he was happy to give me time. Who chose the time control you may wonder? He did. It would be one thing to do just do this in a game, but on a stream like that? Come on. He has a severe lack of manners. Tactless.
On a more serious note people usually watch streams either to learn or for entertainment. Since you're not the former you'll have to cater towards the latter.
"Or you can show tits like some female "gamer streams""

I've never seen this. Postit?

I *have* seen female streamers with very short pants, but they usually pay for it in the misogynist chat.
There's a guy named Hutch on twitch that streams all the time. He's like 1300. There's plenty of others, but that's one of the only ones I can remember the name of off the top of my head.

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