
Is the lack of any premove time penalty an exploitable flaw?!

"It seems totally at odds with the site philiosopht in fact of being a free site, that in fact you need to have a mega-setup to compete on the bullet time control. Is that really what the intention of the site"
whats the difference in paying money to have great setup or paying money to have a coach? they both have an advantage over me!
>'or "Whybemad" who have often zero skill being demonstrated quite frankly?!'
Shots fired.

But anyway- I see this more as a flaw with bullet chess without increment itself, but a .1 second delay seems reasonable. Being allowed multiple premoves would help as well. Perhaps a better way to do it, not counting out even those with terrible internet would be to check the ping of both players, and use the highest ping as the delay for that game. This could be frustrating for those with good internet though, even if it's fair.
Let us take two scenarios - and apply these to any GMs wondering around to and from bad Internet places:

Scenario #1

Let us imagine GM Simon Williams goes to his brothers farm and wants to play some bullet chess.

Because is so good at the game, it gets say 12 seconds up against WBM - and in the current setup, WBM basically nearly uses 0 seconds for the next 40 moves.

GM Simon Willams loses on time say - and this happens potentially for the entire series of games

Scenario #2

GM Simon Williams goes to his brothers farm, and sometimes gets 10 seconds up against WBM

WBM on premoves is now forced to spend 0.1 second per move. Statistically I imagine GM Simon WIlliams can actually win some games on time.

GM Simon Williams impression of the site is - wow - I can sometimes play bullet chess even from the farm!

GM Simon Williams returns back to his super-hi-tec location, and does even better later

Apply these two fictional scenarios to any IMs or GMs you want to welcome in future to the site.
BTW Here is a real example - a very strong IM visits the site - German IM Chessexplained from Youtube (invited by me actually!), and actually WBM is in the same tournament. See what happens

And actually I haven't checked the details of the WBM encounters before mentionig this. But maybe this content is worth checking out as an example.
BTW currently on the reddit thread:

There are 9 upvotes for:

"There should DEFINITELY be at least SOME small amount of time deducted for a pre-move. It is a timed game of chess you are playing. You should not be able to make a move without using any time at all, that's completely unfair to be able to make moves without losing any time at all. ICC has it right, and so does KC here. What is the point of having time on the clock at all at that point? Every single time scramble would simply turn into a battle of who can pre-move faster (aka faster connection)."
There is already a disadvantage for tournament players with a bad internet connection because every game takes longer than a game between two players with good connectivity. For example, a 73-move 1+0 game where I berserked vs KC lasted 2:25 . I can't think of any fair way to fix this, but the point is that you simply can't pretend that bullet is supposed to be an even playing field in the first place, only that it is as fair as possible. I don't see any good reason why premoves should incur a time loss.
Firstly, as someone on reddit also says: "How is it unfair if both players have access to it?"
Secondly, if an IM or GM doesn't like 1+0 with the premoving system, he can also start a 1+1. Nigel Short did that a lot on chessbase.
Thirdly, chessexplained admits that WBM is just a good a player and in a few games he just outplayed chessexplained with still 30 seconds on the clock.
Finally I'm not 100% convinced that internet delay is the most significant factor. There are technical ways to compensate for the package delay and in most videos from lichess I see the time get to 0.0, only to be put back by the server to 0.1 after the premove has been processed. E.g. packet loss is a more significant factor.
Furthermore, eye-hand coordination with the mouse is way more significant.
#79 I think the game lasted longer than 2 minutes is because this site already measures players Ping (click your name to see your Ping), and applies some sort of "lag compensation" for that Ping. This is done very well right now - and that probably explains why the game lasted more than 2 minutes (1 minute for each player). BTW beserking me was good fun - thanks for that!

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