
Regarding myiasis

Yesterday myiasis was the second best rated player in atomics. Now it's seems like he's been banned for using a chess engine. Does anyone have more info on this ?
Wait, what? When did I use an engine? Is there any way to appeal this, because I'd love to see why they think I was cheating.
Yup, I just contacted them. I will see what they say. The only thing that I can think of, is the fact that I've been playing actual chess recently, and I've been playing it much worse than I did before I went and practiced a lot of atomic.
Well, no word yet, but I'm actually strangely excited to see which game I played well enough to qualify it as "engine" level. Just to make sure I'm not doing anything completely asinine, was the email address I was supposed to send this to, right?
Lichess should either reveal the alleged cheating games or unlabel myiasis.

If he does play like atomkraft because he studied atomkraft lines very carefully but does not cheat I expect his early moves to be engine-like (first 8-12 ) but later play human moves.
As funny as it sounds cat_person, I'd expect the opposite actually. Atomkraft is quite good in the middlegame, probably better than me actually, but it doesn't do very well at openings and endgames in my experience.
#7 We should ask Lichess for alleged cheating games...then you can disprove them.
Well, first, there's really no way to *disprove* them, and I'm quite sure that some of 2500 atomic games are quite similar to some atomkraft or pulsar or sjaak or [Insert_Atomic_Engine_Here] lines simply because atomic games are quite often only 20 moves. Additionally, there are usually only 1 or 2 real moves in any given position for atomic. With that being said, I have emailed them twice in the past week and would very much like to know what games I played well enough to be considered a cheater. However, I have not heard anything back yet, so there's not much I can do.

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