
3 tabs open on a laptop with 4 GB of RAM

I have facebook open (no chats or events going on, this lichess window, and one gmail window.)

I have 1.4 GB of free memory. This is windows 7. Latest version of Chrome.

As you can see in this game, I'm ahead massively and have a several second advantage (6 vs 4).

Then the WHOLE Chrome window freezes up, I can't even move my mouse, no reaction. So obviously I time out.

This only happens on Lichess. It has to have some specific reason.

Can this PLEASE be fixed? I might not be running the most massively fast machine (it's an older lenovo thinkpad with a core2 duo at 1.4 GHz) but it should be more than enough.

Thank you.
I don't think bad internet or ping would freeze up the whole browser. I could be mistaken, but it might have to do with poorly placed synchronous requests from the server, as opposed to ajax.

I've had this experience too, and maybe lichess just needs some code cleanup.
My ping is 40-70 ms, the server reports < 5 ms. It's not related to the ping, and moreover I cannot move my mouse cursor during that time. This can last up to 8 seconds, total freeze including mouse cursor.

Also as a clue, this can happen while replaying a game afterward! (using the scroll wheel to scroll through the game moves) - which of course can be related to some poorly placed synchronous requests happening at the same time, but it's certainly not as a result of any game happening at that time, since I'm not in one.
Maybe get rid of Windows for a change and use a proper operating system. :P
It's the secret lichess anticheat system, it detects you are switching windows while in a game, and it freezes your computer.
instagram, of course I don't switch windows during play! as you can see I mostly play 30 second games no time for anything like that. I don't have anything like that installed.

and daannoordenbos, chess is a very simple 2d game, it can literally run on a computer built in the 60's. even if you allow a communication overhead with the server, a core2 duo with 4 gb of ram has to be more than enough for it. plus, it used to work without this issue.

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