
Feature Request: Min Time, Board Hilite

I need at least 2-12 (time) to play well. Creating a game is fine but... Could you adjust the follow on challenge 'style' so the time (especially a change) is highlited?

Some new players (i coach) like the 'sparkchess' board which hilites legal moves for a piece. Wish it were here too.

I don't understand your first point.

SparkChess looks quite cool. If implemented, though, it should be made so that it's not intrusive. The orange that's currently used is too intrusive and having like a quarter of the tiles on the board go orange when you hover the mouse over them would look ugly. So if this is to be implemented, it should be minimalist, as this website follows a minimalist design.

Also, it feels a bit like cheating if you can see the moves for every piece if you simply hover the cursor over it. It is not much different to using a chess computer (and today chess computer & human player is the strongest combination).
Re 'move hilite': It would be an option for new players. I coach a middle school team and tried to get them using FICS...but many of them prefer sparkchess. I believe move hilite is one reason why. I don't want to see move hilite myself, but newer players seem to like it.

My first point was Time Control: I'd like this to be hilited when a challenge is issued. Especially when a rematch/challenge is issued with a new time/increment.

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