
Horde incorrect draw?

One pawn/knight/bishop/rook/queen is not enough material to mate.
TECHNICALLY if one side sets themselves up (king a8, pawn a7) you can mate with just a queen
#1 LOL ChessWhiz always asks the important questions!
@Septagnonizate Yes, and technically you can mate with only a bishop against a pawn in regular chess, but it's still a draw in online chess.
#2 Good answer. I suppose that makes sense. I'm not used to playing without my king, so I didn't consider that.

Yes #7, but in a game it ends in a draw (on most online chess sites) if black runs out of time, even though it's not a draw according to chess rules.
Of course not, because black has pawns left and therefore black can win. If black had run out of time, it would have been a draw:

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