
puzzle #30276

after 24... Rxe1+ 25. Bxe1 Rxe1+ 26. Qxe1...

its possible to give an intermediate check before forking queen and rook. but the computer doesnt like that and claims "wrong move", which is wrong, because the evalutation after the check doesnt change:

...26.Bxd4+ 27. Kf1 Nxd3 28. Qd1 Nxc1 29. Qxd4 Qf5 30. Qd2 Qd3+ and so on.
Well the only reason this doesn't work out is because after all of the trades the queen can now take the bishop instead of the knight which would have been worth more than that single pawn since it's such an open position (That's what I think, and it's what the beta analysis showed me).
@ EugeneJudo

the combination is a forced line and its make no difference, if white takes on d4 with check first or forks queen and rook on e6 and forks after it. the evalutation doesnt change.

so the question should be: is the intermediate check worse than the solution or is it equal in quality ?

there are other puzzle, ep mate in # moves, where its useful to be more rigid in evaluating the users chosen move - here definitly not.


the combination is a forced line and its make no difference, if black takes on d4 with check first or forks queen and rook on d3 and forks after it. the evalutation doesnt change.

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