
Search "user:king04"

36 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Friends#1

I can't see my friends list since yesterday, how can I fix this?

General Chess Discussion - Chess Opening Strategy Tips#13

@ruyrogers I agree with your, chess isn't maths, in chess can exist different opinions, that's the beauty of chess.

General Chess Discussion - Chess Opening Strategy Tips#10

@ruyrogers I don't know... The italian NM Giuseppe Tarascio says that it's exactly the contrary: he says that the <2000 FIDE rated mustn't read this book because there are a lot of topics that a <2000…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Opening Strategy Tips#8

@ruyrogers In an interview, the GM Nigel Short said:"I don't know why, but in my house I have a copy of "my system" in Lithuanian, and in Lithuanian it's better because I can't understand it"... That …

General Chess Discussion - How to Play the English Opening (Symmetrical variation)#4

I'm an English opening player since 2018, so I think I know it good. I think that the Botvinnik system's setup (with e4?!) isn't good againist c5, it's correct if you play it againist someone who play…

General Chess Discussion - What happens when I report a comment?#9

1. i didn't spoke about rackeetering, mafia isn't made by narcos, mafia works a lot with murders when someone exit from his clan 2. you didn't answer to my question, but evidently you're so embarassed…

General Chess Discussion - What happens when I report a comment?#6

@nayf That's the "conspiracy of silence", and in that's the reason in Italy exists mafia and there are unresolved crimes all over the world. On lichesspeople ban them just for ethics, not because they…

General Chess Discussion - After a year of playing, I have reached 1400 on Lichess. #2

In just a year isn't enough, I did it in 3/4 years without a coach, but if a good trainer helps you it will be possible ;)

General Chess Discussion - Time in chess game#11

Rispondo in italiano, siccome ho notato che sei italiano anche tu e mi viene più semplice. Il mio consiglio spassionato è di darti un po' meno al bullet e blitz, anche perché concentrandoti di più su …

General Chess Discussion - Is there a way to improve my chess without expensive coaches.#29

hmm... yes, I agree
