
Search "user:KNBvsK"

35 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - PGN wiever with C language#13

I would stay away from C/C++ and recommend something a bit more newbie/UI friendly like Javascript/Java/C#

General Chess Discussion - Against the French Defence#22

I played the Milner Barry for a bit, it's quite a fun little gambit and avoids the typical closed positions, basically White gives up the d-pawn that's alwayhs under attack, but get interesting compen…

General Chess Discussion - Studying books vs own games#12

@FreeTradeAgreement I think the feature that you described was just added called 'studies', for example, I created one here, you can add subvariations, comments etc.…

General Chess Discussion - Studying books vs own games#9

That said, I'm currently going though the 'Art of Attack' by Vukovic, I bought it some time ago, but never really got into it, seem to be doing better this time around.

General Chess Discussion - Studying books vs own games#8

I too could never get into games collections, unless they are extremely well annotated. Otherwise, it feels like I'm only able to see the tip of the iceberg by not knowing what the players might be th…

General Chess Discussion - partner for playing 1.e4 e5#25

I'd be up for any training games (per day, or slow time), we seem to have about the same ratings, and I happen to play 1. e4 every game specializing in Giuoco, Max Lange, sometimes Scotch Gambit, thou…

Game analysis - Philidor Defence - with 6.Bxf7#9

I'm a bit skeptical about ...Kg6, Christian Bauer notes in Philidor Files, "Venturing the king to g6 is inadvisable and above all unnecessary", and notes that it's actually possible if white exchanges…

Game analysis - Philidor Defence - with 6.Bxf7#7

Yeah, White is allowing too much fun for Black after Nxa8. I play against a local NM who sometimes plays this as white, but plays 0-0 instead at that point.

Game analysis - Ruy Lopez - Breyer Defence #5

I'll take a look, I play neither the Ruy from either side, but I sometimes see similar positions in my Philidor Hanham, and as white against some Sicilians

Game analysis - Ruy Lopez - Breyer Defence #3

I just watched this today, very nice lecture on the Breyer