
Search "user:MillenniumBug"

51 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - The Great Eval Bar Debate:'s Broadcasting Style#20

Strange to write this during the ongoing Candidates, without mentioning the super-chill Lichess and FIDE broadcasts. There are different ways of using the eval bar. "OMG LOOK THE BAR!"-style is not ve…

Lichess Feedback - Broadcast pages#4

I love the new pages too, and ... This is slightly OT but - old or new - I just cannot find any broadcast pages on my iPhone app. What am I missing?

Community Blog Discussions - Understanding Risk in Chess#4

Nico post. I actually often think like you suggest. 1. "If it's too complicated, don't go there." 2. But I also: "If it's a bit complicated, trust your calculation." That can work a fair amount of tim…

Lichess Feedback - The FSM flair was removed. Why?#11

> Thibault said: I'm sorry my fellow Pastafarian, we decided to remove all flairs related to religions, to avoid tensions - something they tend to create. Well my religion is smile like there was no p…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Masters Database: Nepo - Ding match gone ?#1

In this position Ding played 8 ... Nc6 in the Nepo - Ding worldchamps 2023 That game used to, and oughta, …

Community Blog Discussions - Leaning into discomfort#7

The first one IS mate in two. Nxf4+ Kg3 Rg2# (The pawns cannot recapture, white moves towards you) The second one, I see that white can threaten smothered mate in 2, but black can protect d6 with Nc6,…

General Chess Discussion - Why this game cannot be a named puzzle?#11

Very easy to see, and the same mating idea is a very well known opening trap, in the Budapest Gambit. Rating ? 1500 maybe

General Chess Discussion - How do you visualise chess positions?#55

Thanks for a great post. I wanted to answer immediately but wanted a good example: I am at a measly 1600 ELO, with a decent 2200 puzzle rating here. For me it is [perhaps] not a question of V vs M of …

General Chess Discussion - Preview: FIDE World Chess Championship 2023#21

I just must say. An excellent piece of writing!

Lichess Feedback - Reykjavik Open Additional Delay ?#5

OK that is interesting. Two two different live cameras from the playing hall were ahead by a lot. For example GM Williams and his opponent had left the DGT board (#44) with "black-won-facing-kings" on…
