
Search "user:Septagonizate"

19 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - If Magnus Carlsen plays a couple of games on lichess, would the cheat detection in the site trigger?#12

What if Magnus is secretly a cyborg so all his moves are actually computer moves and that's why he's the world champion?

General Chess Discussion - New game mode idea#11

#8 and on that fateful day, stockfish died a little on the inside

General Chess Discussion - New game mode idea#7

After testing out a bit I find that it's rather easy to force stalemate. If you can constantly force a check with your queen you can force 3 fold repetition and end the game. In addition, free hanging…

Game analysis - Advice: Positional Mistakes#13

How do you tell if a chess engine is being used?

General Chess Discussion - New game mode idea#2

For example in this game: Zug has 768 points LeMusique has 776 points And LeMusique wins by 8 points! *Throws Confetti*

General Chess Discussion - New game mode idea#1

Basically the idea of this game mode is to troll stockfish as much as possible. Make as many bad plays as possible and throw the game into the computer analysis. Mistakes/Blunders/Inaccuracies are 5 p…

Game analysis - No mistakes and lost position#4

You could have contested the f6 square. Your position is pretty bad so you'd have to try for trades to open up your cramped position. I tried continuing this against stockfish 5 and contesting f6 didn…

Lichess Feedback - Tactics trainer#15

lol what do you have against kingcrusher

Game analysis - How can I get better at seeing checkmates#6

The CAPTCHA checkmates are really not difficult
