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6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - A little question about studying tactics#16 is a very good source for tactics. They are not hard and straight forward. I have a 2500 tactics rating there with a peak of 2577 and I am 1618 otb!

General Chess Discussion - 1800 player can't mate with K + Q vs. K#19

Wow I’m sorry but that player who couldn’t do a simple mate must be a beginner or something. He is way overrated probably

General Chess Discussion - These guys who run away in the middle of the game#11

Yes I too hate the cowards who think they can get away with things like aborting and being rating farmers. I wish we saw less of that crap.

Game analysis - my first evans gambit#5

Don't hang material. Everything looked fine for a bit until that really horrible Queen takes Rook in the end there which allowed mate in 2 by undefending the f7 pawn.

Game analysis - My best game ever, queen sac#2

That is a pretty picture

General Chess Discussion - I'm a beginner (1300 classic) and I struggle playing blacks#3

Play something flexible and not so sharp at the beginning of your chess career, like a Roy Lopez. The sicilian on the other hand is a very razor sharp attacking line, so don't play for this right away.
