
Search "user:Zahar_Zaviriuha"

17 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month February - Contest#224

I have a couple of games that can be shared here. Some very consistent, logical, strategically correct, but too boring. And others are complete mess, a lot of sacrifices and real fire on the board. I …

Lichess Feedback - Deadly and theoretical drawish endgame positions treats differently by server#8

@mkubecek said in #7: > Depends on the bishops. With opposite-colored bishops, a checkmate is possible (as helpmate), with same colored bishops a checkmate is impossible (not even as a helpmate). Yes,…

Lichess Feedback - Deadly and theoretical drawish endgame positions treats differently by server#6

@Deadban said in #3: > All those positions can result in a checkmate by (at least) one side. Look up "helpmate". Oh, really? why B vs B is not a win? Why R vs B is not a win? there are helpmates as we…

Lichess Feedback - Deadly and theoretical drawish endgame positions treats differently by server#1

there are endgames that specified as theoretical draws For example R vs R, R vs B, NN vs nothing, N vs N, B vs B Nevertheless, lichess treats them as different, for instance R vs R and N vs N you play…

Lichess Feedback - Add new settings for filtering/formula#1

It's would be great to have some kind of 'featured' settings what i meant: i don't want to play against accs created just today and having bullet 2600+ and blitz 2200- for instance so the proposal is:…

General Chess Discussion - What is the time period to return rating after opponent got banned#1

It happens from time to time that opponent got banned/closed account and their results still remains in the tournament and if they 'stole' someone's rating it doesn't get back even if it happens withi…

Lichess Feedback - Anon in my "unlisted" study. I didn't send the link#2

Sometimes it happens to me, monitoring some games no one else would monitor:)

Lichess Feedback - Turn the list of calendar and let Titled Saturdays back#1

It seems that calendar plan ended up and it's time to schedule a new one. Today is a day for titled to fight and no tournament prescheduled.

Lichess Feedback - Common Puzzle Racer Bugs#3

One more thing is to implement it for mobile app version, not only browser

Lichess Feedback - Common Puzzle Racer Bugs#2

Yeah, #1 even more often. During series of runs and rematches it happens for different people but the issue is common. And agree with queue extension request.
