
Search "user:jaimeby"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Studies#1

I have plenty of studies. Is there a way to keep them ordered or a way to keep them in folders? I have some studies marked as favourites. I don't know how I did that. Is there a way to unmark some of …

Game analysis - How to send an invitation to a study#1

I would like to send to another Lichess user an invitation to my study. How can I do it?

Lichess Feedback - Chessnut Air#3

Thanks you for answering so fast. I made some investigation too and was pleasantly surprised by the fact that there seems to be so many good e-boards in the market .

Lichess Feedback - Chessnut Air#1

I'm considering to buy a Chessnut Air chessboard. Anyone has experience with this new electronic board?

Lichess Feedback - net::err_cert_date_invalid#1

Hi everyone: I have an old MacBook Pro of 2010 OS X El Capitan and I can't update my OS. Since last year I can't reach the Lichess page in my old computer. The message that I receive every time that I…

General Chess Discussion - a draw that i don't understand#4

Thanks agnivo2008. Three-fold repetition of the position, not three repetition of moves. Now I understand. I'm really a beginner... How you manage to put the game in the forum? Sorry for so simple que…

General Chess Discussion - a draw that i don't understand#1

Yesterday I was winning a rapid game and at last I finished drawing for the law of three repetition of moves. But the problem is that I didn't repeat three moves. Why is that for? Is it a bug of the s…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Openings app of Emmanuel Mathis#1

Hi everybody: Has anyone bought Ches Openings app of Emmanuel Mathis? I use his Chess Tactics app everyday. It's practical and a great instrument to work tactics. Is his Chess Openings app as good as …
