
Search "user:skystalker"

14 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - More cheaters in lichess#9

@MRPDFoot said in #8: >If I don't see a move within 10 seconds I abort. but then you get a warning or if you go away and come back they moved in the last few seconds and you get a warning for failing …

General Chess Discussion - I think we have a nomination for checkmate of the year#2

White checkmated him self as for black lucky checkmate .

General Chess Discussion - What is the highest number of games you have ever played in a day?#3

45-50 ,5 min chess

General Chess Discussion - Couldn't move any pieces#4

where has the unsubscribe button gone ?

General Chess Discussion - Why do you like to play chess?#2

To slow down brain atrophy, although it's very addictive and I often play even when I don't want to, it is better than watching tv although I often do both at the same time often resulting in losing .

Lichess Feedback - Analysis not working#3

I'm using firefox and have the same problem ,very slow compared to what it used to be just played anther game of chess and checked back still not finished sometimes it fails to do it at all .

General Chess Discussion - Quitting games right from the start#11

@Cedur216 said in #9: > @skystalker 1) you don't see when the banning comes, so how can you claim it should be quicker > 2) even if people know they would lose rating, it sometimes happens by accident…

General Chess Discussion - Quitting games right from the start#8

I agree with OP if people new that not moving counted as a loss they would no longer do it . Or the banning should come in quicker .

General Chess Discussion - Not making your first move#3

I guess that maybe a legitimate reason in classical chess but I should have said I was talking about Blitz chess where the average game only lasts a few mins surely they should know their first move e…

General Chess Discussion - Not making your first move#1

Why do some players wait until the last few seconds countdown before making the first move ,is it to just wind up the other player ,or send them to sleep . I also don't get the players that fail to st…
