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61 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - In Crazyhouse, promoted pawns should be marked#8

Sorry, I had a link but it didn't seem to work, so I removed it. You can see it by installing scidb - a great chess database program for linux. A good solution is a suitably coloured disc (orange/yell…

Lichess Feedback - In Crazyhouse, promoted pawns should be marked#5

It's of course a bug, information is missing. Correct play is very difficult if you have to remember which piece is promoted and which not. It becomes a memory game as Veletas said. But there is no ne…

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Lichess Feedback - You can now download every game played on

Great! Filtering would be nice. Since round and date tags are mandatory in PGN standard, will not including them in the downloads cause problems in reading the games in chess database programs? Didn't…

General Chess Discussion - Marked as cheater without reason#38

Possibly use of engine by one of the players leads to shorter games. It could be possible to find out statistically, if the engine-users are surely known beforehand. There are lots of games played her…

General Chess Discussion - Marked as cheater without reason#33

I add one point. The game is only 11 moves, short like 3-check games often are. Playing "perfect" 11-move game is totally different thing from playing a perfect 50-move chess (or 3-check game) .
