
what is your favorite piece?

@Lordsem said in #20:
> Pawn.
> From beginning they are just, a pawn...
> Later on, they can be a game changer.
> No matter what kind of role they will be, pawns are important parts of the system.
just like how Francois Andre Danican Philidor said
Tarrasch- "As Rosseau could not compose without his cat beside him, so I cannot play chess without my King's Bishop. In its absence the game to me is lifeless and void, and I can devise no plan of attack."

I'm sure he was joking.
<Comment deleted by user>
Mine is da knight bcz its a unique piece which the queen cannot move like :D.
Not a piece, but I like the empty squares. all sorts of imagined paths can be conceived... really the best chess unit in my view. The pieces are fleeting, the empty squares will inexorably take over, resistance is futile.

Seriously, one thing is sure in any chess game, the number of empty squares will always be non-decreasing.

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