
Search "user:supertorpe"

138 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chess Endgame Training webapp updated#5

@Skittle-Head It's great to meet someone who is such a dedicated advocate of the app! I have some plans to improve it even further (i.e. create an online repository -github gist- where we could import…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Endgame Training webapp updated#3

#2 Thank you very much for your kind words.

General Chess Discussion - Chess Endgame Training webapp updated#1

After over four years of inactivity on the project, I've just released a new beta of my open-source web app for practicing chess endgames: I've added some of the …

Lichess Feedback - It would be great if we had an option to play illegal moves#6

Maybe this possibility is worth thinking about: if you try to make an illegal move, it will penalize you by deducting time.

General Chess Discussion - Difference between a blunder and a mistake?,#15

@tpr So someone in a draw position can't make blunders?

General Chess Discussion - What If Lichess Adds More Berserk Options??#21

And... semibersek, or minibersek with 3/4 of the time?

General Chess Discussion - Playing against real opponents or against the engine?#16

One aspect in which the engines have to improve: in the endgame where the engine knows that it is going to lose, they consider that the opponent is going to play a perfect game and the engine looks fo…

General Chess Discussion - playing more accurately#5

Edited: sorry, wrong thread.

General Chess Discussion - Learning / practice openings + continuation to middle game#3

@ArneVogel, How fast, I am amazed! One detail: at the end of the sequence of opening movements, it immediately returns to the starting position, and does not give me the opportunity to play from there…

General Chess Discussion - Learning / practice openings + continuation to middle game#1

Is there a tool like, or to learn / practice openings, but that allows you to continue the game against an engine? The idea would be to familiari…
