
Priority order in chess

Here I share some ideas about chess in different stages of the game when deciding what to move.

In opening
1. Centre control (e,d,c-pawns or knights, fianchetto bishop)
2. Piece development/lead in development
3. Castling
4. Rook connection
5. Connected pawn structure formation
6. Less pawn weakness (multiple pawn island, backward pawn, double pawns, hanging pawns)

In middle game
1. King safety
2. Material advantage
3. Attack formation/initiative
4. Space advantage
5. Pawn structure
6. Double bishop
7. Open lines and diagonals
8. Superior minor piece

1. Double check
1. Fork
2. Pin
3. Discovered check
4. Double attack
5. Discovered attack
6. Rook on 7th rank
7. Intermediate move

In endgame
1. Connected passed pawn
2. Passed pawn with support
3. King activity
4. Opposition
5. Control of promotion square
6. Avoid stalemate
7. Zugzwang