
Philidor Defence - with 6.Bxf7

@Achja #10
I gave a link to a video in #4. Generally I agree with its author. The Philidor defence position is playable, no doubts, but it looks like black gets cramped without real counter-play.

On the other hand I like d6, Nf6, g6 system for black against e4 (Pirc), which does offer black nice counter-chances despite the lack of space, but normally it has nothing to do with e5.
Yes, I know about the move Kg6 - it is a "computer move". Good move ( maybe better than Kg8 )but rather difficult position to face, even though black has a better position white has an easier play. That is why I prefer Kg8.
I am studying the book "Lure your opponent into the Philidor swamp" just for fun, and Sergey Kasparov suggests Kg8 too.
#12 I have that book, and the Philidor Files, but frankly, I'd be inclined to disagree with him. The retreat square g8 for the queen leaves black far stronger than with Kg8, and it requires only minimal studying to play-less than facing austrian attack lines.

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