
The Word Game

There are several loopholes in this game:
1.It does not require the response to be in English or any natural language, hence it is possible to always say the word "cat" as long as you invent an ad hoc conlang which contains no word except for the word "cat".
2.It does not require the response to be correct in any language. Hence "cat", "Cat", "cAt", "catS", "C-A-ts", "caaaaaaats" qualify as different words.
Off-topic: can you people stop ending the bloody word with 'y'‽ Geez... =/
#74 Yakking

#71 Your first statement is correct. Other languages are permitted. Your second statement is wrong though. It is called the "word game" for a reason. It must be real words, and in correct spelling and grammar.
#76 Do you really want me to felinize the topic using this method?
Like....Yakking--->gmanip, means cat in Blaghi Wemina-1. gmanip--->purni'eq, means cat in Blaghi Wemina-2. Since rules are predefined this has to be allowed, right?

As for a non-cat related word, I opt for Guatemala.
Also what do you even mean by a real word? A word that is inside a certain dictionary? Does "kitteh" qualify as a real word for example? What about "lolcat"? Both are in English anyway.. If they are, then what about "obuk", "kus" and "ghe"? What about "gmanip" in Blaghi Wemina-1? and cats are different words, right? What about "Cat" and "cats"? What about "cat", "cat." and "cat!"? So is any existing term that has no whitespace inside a word, right?
Wait...#46 is not a word, right?

Also people coin new words all the time. If "Microsoft" or "lolcat" for example are English words, why not "obuk" which is a Pe Blaghi loanword into English? So what even is a word?

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