
Search "user:DragonDawgs"

43 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Interesting puzzle...#2

The position at move 63 should be lost for white if Black only knows how to use opposition/outflanking correctly. The position after 71. ...Qe1+??? spoils a won position and enters a theoretical draw …

Lichess Feedback - Training puzzle 19577 - broken!#5

It's very solvable

General Chess Discussion - How did you improve beyond 1500?#4

Also, whenever you can, play opponents stronger than you. Losing to these players will more quickly allow you to learn how to play at their level. Don't worry too much about winning or losing; just fo…

General Chess Discussion - How did you improve beyond 1500?#3

Playing a whole bunch of blitz won't make you a significantly better chess player when it comes to longer time controls or deep understanding. Sure after several hundreds or thousands of games you mig…

General Chess Discussion - Ruy Lopez Theory#2

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the delay on ...b5 is because White is not threatening to win e5 after Bxc6 until after Re1. So Black only plays b5 after Re1. Generally this doesn't matter sinc…

General Chess Discussion - I need a follow up for a player.#10

Personally I don't mind letting my opponent play a KID with an extra tempo cause I find the KID is overrated. Just curious - What's your rating? Because judging from some of your games, surely you pla…

General Chess Discussion - Rook + pawn vs Rook endgames#2

The position you set up is backwards. Basically, it's a draw if the side with the pawn has his rook in front of the pawn (on the promotion square).

Game analysis - Reasons to suicide:#8

Oh boy you were doing so so well against a higher-rated player too! haha Unfortunately blunders happen to the best of us :^)

General Chess Discussion - 3 tabs open on a laptop with 4 GB of RAM#3

I don't think bad internet or ping would freeze up the whole browser. I could be mistaken, but it might have to do with poorly placed synchronous requests from the server, as opposed to ajax. I've had…

Game analysis - What to learn from a high rated player.#14

9. ...Bg4 is actually a strong move, but only if you take the knight. The point is to strengthen your control over d4 and also weaken his pressure on e5. After Bxf3 your knight can jump to d4, where e…
