
Who is GM Konevlad?

My guess is Aronian or (based on profile description and wide variety of openings) Nepo.
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Lol no1 said that this is mvl, he is lavalongamemaster or sth like that
Don't think Aronian or the other ones mentioned cherish an ukrainian basketball player. And I don't think some veteran
writes a pathetic signature as "I love green fields and I ride like a horse towards Magnus. I'll be there soon, I'm on my way." That sounds more like a lad between 20-30 years old, who is still hungry and growing in chess. Not someone past his hayday as Aronian.
The only player capanble of writing that tag line is Sasha.
I wonder if it could Carslen (maybe a second account). He is world n°2 blitz and I don't think it could be Nakamura as he plays on

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