
Who is GM Konevlad?

It is either Dmitry Andrejkin or Vladislav Kovalev. The other month, there was GM VLADimirovich9000, also took 3rd place, who was also Vlad and was self officially diclared, as Dmitry Andrejkin, but the 4th place was same time taken by Vladislav Kovalev, who has KO and VLAD in his initials, most probably the second one, who took the same high rating same time so these are the the same players, under other accounts, like Magnus did
@HUB18 He (MVL) played as @avalongamemaster.

@Timegod He (Grishuk) played/streamed the tourney as @sasha It's the most boring stream I've ever seen :|

@The_Conquerer37331 He (Carlsen) played the tourney as @manwithavan Had he streamed it, it would've been the second-most boring stream I'd ever seen.

Aronian, Andreikin, Artemiev, Kovalev and Svidler seem to be the most popular guesses. Jobava matches somewhat well with the rep. Surprised it hasn't been figured out by now. If someone with a chessdb account can take a peek and see which ones rarely/never play the Giuoco Piano as black against the Italian, that might pare it down. That's the most distinctive thing about their rep that I noticed.

Heck, with all the two knights and Arkhangelsk stuff it might be Fabi. He's secretive about his online play. Though no Petrov's.
I believe its Ian Nepomniachtchi

1st : Russian nickname

2nd : read the bio " I love green fields and I ride like a horse towards Magnus. I'll be there soon, I'm on my way. "

" Magnus, I will be there soon", meaning he is already in the 2020 candidates and wants to be worldchamp.

Well, the profile says he's Vladimir Konev. Konev is basketball player. They are tall. Let's see if we can think of tall/big Russian chess player named Vladimir...
Thank you Fashion, I appreciate.

I cannot read in the chat section during the video, does Gata learn it from there? If so, who states this is Artemiev? LOL


No, he checks the opponents username
i have seen in some other videos where he checks the username in the end and he realizes that he is playing a friend or sth lol
and Gata is russian chess legend ( actually russian-american) so if he says it is artemiev im gonna believe it

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